Safety Equipment (Helmets vests, and tourniquets)

At YMCA Lviv, we have internal rules in place that require volunteers who are driving to high-risk areas to deliver aid, to wear bulletproof equipment. Additionally, all volunteers are required to carry tourniquets with them at all times.

Volunteers often drive to areas close to the frontline, sometimes as close as 10-15  kilometers from the combat zones, where there is a high risk of the fighting escalating and rocket attacks. There have also been cases of Russian forces shooting at volunteers helping with evacuation of civilians from these areas. [1][2]

– Maria, YMCA Lviv

The importance of lifesaving equipment like tourniquets cannot be stressed enough. When our veteran project manager, Yurko Vovkohon was deployed to the frontline, he managed to survive severe injuries, thanks to the equipment he was carrying:

– Yurko Vovkohon, Veteran Project Manager

Naturally, that is why we are aiming to continuosly working to fund for and deliver as much safety equipment as possible to the brave voluntereers at YMCA Lviv, who will also be able to distribute it to those who need it.
